Robohash is a easy web service that makes it easy to provide unique, robot/alien/monster/whatever images for any text.
Put in any text, such as IP address, email, filename, userid, or whatever else you like, and get back a pretty image for your site.
With hundreds of millions of variations, Robohash is the among the leading robot-based hashing tools on the web.
That guy to your left there? He was specially generated from your IP address Just for you.
Try on your phone, and I bet you get someone different!
Keep scrolling down to see some more freshly-assembled RoboHashes.
By appending ?set=set2 to our Image's URLs, we are able to generate a whole slew of Random monsters. Here are 5 we picked out for you.
By appending ?set=set3 to our URLs, we get back to robots. New, suave, disembodied heads. That's sexy. Like a robot.
Anytime you need a Robohash, just embed
<img src="">
Want a JPG instead? Fine. PNG? Fine. Want it as a bitmap? I think you're nutty. But fine. Just change the URL to request in any format you want. If you want it to hash the whole thing, including the extension use ?ignoreext=false to hash the extensions.
Due to Robot caching modules and CDN usage, our robots stay speedy, and only rarely go on murderous rampages. That's a Fact!
From destroying skyscrapers to nonobots, we've got you covered. Try appending ?size=200x200
Our robots like to travel. If you append ?bgset=bg1 (or bg2 or any) to your URL, our robots will add a background as part of the hash. robots believe in Family, Warmth, and killing-all-humans. To that end, we provide this service for free. is here because Robots are funny, and because I needed the algorithm/art anyway for a Super-Awesome new forum I'm working on. If you use a specific set, or a list of them, like "?sets=1,3" , it'll probably stay the same as it is now. If you use "set=any", it'll include any new sets I happen to add, so existing hashes may change.
You should email me -
If the bandwidth gets crazy, I might add a [] banner to the bottom of the image. But it'd be super-tasteful.
For those inclined, there are several advanced techniques which have been added over time.
For Gravatar enthusiasts, you can ask Robohash to use a Gravatar if one is available.
Put either the email, or the hashed version, in your image where the string normally goes -
For example:
We've also conditioned our robots to accept commands either via params or directories-
For instance
Finally, the Blueprints are available to build your own robotic factory.